5 Ways To Turn Painful Stress Into ROCKET Fuel


Stress can KILL!

It kills ambition, hope, energy and eventually – physically can shorten your life.

Stress can ALSO be fuel to reach your highest goals.

In other words, the stress you are feeling can be *good* or it can be *bad*

So here’s how to tell which one you have…

And, how to turn bad stress into FUEL to turn you super-productive! ?

1/ Financial Stress

This is BIG

Money stress is NEGATIVE when you lose control.

It’s not that you lack money, it’s that you don’t know how to make more.

Move from negative to positive by having a plan, taking action – FUEL instead of FIRE

2/ Work Stress

You hate your job and what it’s doing to you.

Someone else controls your schedule, your time, your energy, where you work and your income.

Being TRAPPED is stressful. Your current job may not be ideal, but if you feel like you are STUCK in that job – things will be much worse.

What do you do then?

Look elsewhere, even move backward, start a side-hustle…action toward change is as good as change.

3/ Relationship Stress

Unhappy with the number and quality of your friends.

Lack positive, strong, deep relationships?

Nobody attracted to you?

Chances are, you are chasing people instead of attracting them.

How do you attract more and better friends and close personal relationships?

  • Build your self-confidence
  • Follow your passion,
  • Improve your energy
  • Be focused on your path – have a plan

Stop chasing people, start attracting them!

4/ Social/environmental Stress

We’re inundated by negative messaging (news, social media, friends, family…)

a) Audit your attention

b) Guide your focus to the positive

c) Protect your positivity

Even subtle shift to more positivity kills stress.

5/ Internal Stress

Most negative stress comes from within.

Thought patterns, destructive mind replay, imaging bad things, visions of weakness…99% of mind negativity is FABRICATED.

Use meditation, inspiration and action to defeat negative mindsets

Make Stress Your Friend

Change your beliefs around stress.

Stress from challenging yourself, moving beyond your comfort zone is POSITIVE.

Stress that comes from passive fretting, worry, anxiety and feeling trapped is NEGATIVE.

Stress can be your FUEL.

The most successful people in life and business learn to USE stress.

Instead of letting stress USE them.

Still feeling stuck?  We’ve put the EXACT 4-step system over here that helps you work out of whatever life rut you find yourself in.

Not only will you learn to manage stress, you’ll also learn to be more confident, reduce your fear and anxiety and replace old habits with new ones…without ever realizing it!

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