

How do you put a stop to a bad mood and stay motivated even though you are a little cranky? Certainly in our quest to become more productive, more focused and positive a bad mood can appear to be a setback for sure. Yet, in the end we are emotional beings and having a bad […]

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Wouldn’t it be great when you feel low, depressed, down in the dumps, bored or just stuck in life to be able to pull out an “instant” list of what it is in life that makes you most passionate? You know the feeling, when you get down in the dumps it’s hard to think of […]

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It happens to all of us, suddenly we find ourselves in a funk, looking at things negatively, unable to convince ourselves to get off the couch, get out of bed or to get working on an important task or goal. We have lost our motivation, and isn’t it a huge struggle to drag ourselves out […]

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When someone talks to you about increasing your motivation, they tend to focus on the positives…look on the bright side, turn your energy into a positive direction, blah…blah…blah! In my experience, what motivates people is when they get so pissed off they are not going to take the current situation anymore and then gets them […]

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Which comes first, Motivation or Action? Have you ever said  or thought “I can’t do this because I’m just not motivated enough?”   or “If I was more motivated, then I could be more productive or active?”  It’s true, I can certainly think of times in my life where I have blamed Motivation as the culprit […]

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After exploring ways to enhance the learning ability of our two primary school children, we came across a great deal of research dealing with brain health and nutrition – specifically, ways we can use to optimize our brain nutrition by adding more brain food to our diets. It doesn’t matter who you are, there’s no […]

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Wow, you didn’t have to be a golf fan to be impressed watching the athletic and mental victory Tiger Woods won this past weekend at the US Open in Torre Pines. A testament to passion, drive, will and sheer motivation that has been played over and over again in any sport imagineable – playing through […]

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Sometimes trying to improve your life gets confusing doesn’t it? You’re supposed to think positive, don’t get down on yourself, focus on the positives right? But, how can you ever improve your life, your skills and achieve your ultimate goals if you can’t first face up to the reality of where you are right now?  […]

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I love to play music and most of all, to play the guitar – for me it is a joy that my father passed down to me and that I am passing down to my children.  I’ve been in bands, I’ve played with friends and I’ve played alone, it doesn’t matter – everytime I pick […]

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