How many times have you thought to yourself…”I really should sit down and figure out what I really want out of life” or “I need to create (or modify)) my purpose or vision“, and then…
You get caught up in the next big crisis at work.
Your kids interrupt you to help with their homework or to have you break up an argumnent.
Or perhaps you are just too tired at the end of a draining day and you’ll get to it tomorrow.
The problem is, you have been telling yourself that for the last few weeks.
I’m not a psychologist, scientist or new-age expert, but I do believe in a few key concepts:
1. You will not achieve what you first do not conceive. Everything I have been able to achieve in life has first been conceived in my mind…sometimes dileberately with great effort, sometimes through seeing it in someone else and subconsciously modeling their achievement.
2. Allowing life to happen TO you is a recipe for unhappiness…you will be stuck in a reactive mode as others try and achieve their vision in life
3. Having a Vision for your life leads to so many other benefits such as motivation, happiness, higher self-confidence and better health
4. You must make “planning your future” a TOP priority in your life, above all else because it has such a profound impact on your life and the lives of those around you.
5. You need to have a firmly planned outcome, but be open to flexibly living out that plan. Look, just as NOT having a vision does not work, trying to control every aspect of your life living out a script is equally too rigid. What is important is that you have a clear, deeply held, emotional and BIG vision for what you want in life that ramains unchanged. Accompanything this vision is a Phase 1 plan that IS subject to modification…as new opportunities and events occur, you can change course as long as it supports reaching your ultimate desired outcome.
Stop putting off plans to look at what your life COULD be. Right now, put that at the TOP of your list, don’t wait another day – get started now.
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