attract people


So many people spend their entire lives trying to please other people, trying to do what they believe others want to see them do, act the way they believe others want them to act. We are taught as kids to obey, stick to rules, follow the standard way of doing things, don’t color outside of […]


One of the biggest challenges I faced when I was in my Twenties and early Thirties was being emotionally paralyzed by worrying what other people will think if I say, behave or act on a certain thought. Every situation called for major analysis, thoughts raced through my head and anxiety built entirely around what “may” […]

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Many people suffer with their current reality, hey would like to be someone better than they are especially when it comes to how they act and how they are received by others around them. Can you relate? Have you ever felt that others have a more magnetic personality? I would have to say the #1 […]

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This may be one of the tougher blog posts for you to read…definitely for many who have worked through our Life Improvement Road Map – Attracting Greatness, this topic of constantly being in relationship and social conflict is a very common one. It typically starts with a current relationship…either a parent-child, girlfriend-boyfriend (or significant other), […]

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