Isn’t it amazing how we can seemingly achieve the impossible when we “get into zone” where we completely focus on a task, before we know it we have achieved something that really makes us proud and fulfilled. In these types of life situations, getting started is the tough part…in fact our mind builds such resistance […]
As we near the end of this year, I always find it a good time to review personal progress over the past 12-months noting what went well and perhaps an area of improvement over the coming 12-months. On the positive side… Improvement in maintaining my fitness level Better control of stress and resulting judgement improvements […]
Have you ever noticed that the more you get in life the more complicated things tend to become? I remember when I was a kid there were no video games, 3-channels on the television, no internet – life was simple. We played with the kids in the neighborhood, spent time dreaming about the future and […]