get unstuck in life


Where do highly successful, happy people get the audacity to take risks, try new things, not be affected by what others say and in doing so, become the envy of all those around them? Audacity is a powerful word because it means fearless, determined, not held back by convention, following one’s own true North Star. […]

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Are you at a point in your life where you feel lost in life? You are confused, frustrated, bored or even hopeless about the direction of your life, and perhaps worst of all, feeling lack of control? As negative as this may feel to you right now, know that feeling lost in life without the […]

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Can I ask you what you are afraid of? It’s a very important question, one that just may get you past the rut you find your life in right now liberating you to finally live your true potential. See fear is the most common obstacle that prevents us from living the life we are meant […]

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Lately, there has been a trend toward bashing self-esteem based mainly on the fact that trying to boost our personal confidence falsely clouds the reality that setbacks, failures and challenges do occur in life and we need the tools to be able to deal with these when they happen. Behind this assumption is that building […]

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