

Many people assume that being extremely busy, over-worked, not having enough relaxation time lead to stress when the reality is actually true. When I work with people to understand and manage the stress in their lives, the most common underlying reasons for negative stress are: Uncertainty over what to do next or where to turn […]

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Mindfulness is an extremely powerful and necessary pillar to overall life success.  But what is mindfulness really, and how can you apply it to your life to improve your well being? Mindfulness can be something abstract, challenging to understand and certainly mystifying about how to apply it to your own life. When you think about […]

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In my experience, there are two camps when it comes to meditation… 1) Those who regularly practice and understand the value of meditation 2) Everyone else who either believes that meditation is some type of hocus-pocus, is for women only (yes men read this blog too…), or isn’t for them because they are just too […]

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Chronic stress, worry and anxiety severely impact our ability to stay sharp, be creative and operate at maximum productivity – many in society have come to learn the value in meditation and it’s ability to manage stress and worry by living in the moment.  Still, fast-paced, testosterone-laced Wall Street executives are not the crowd you […]

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As complicated as our human brains are, how we think is actually pretty black and white.  We are either thinking about life through the perspective of NOT losing or we are thinking about things in life in terms of WINNING. These two “lenses” through which we see life impacts our every thought and ultimately controls […]

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